This is where we (the Department for Research Methods and Experimental Psychology, University of Cologne, publish material for reproducing our research.
Raw data
We upload the data generated in our lab to a github repository every night
(this was inspired by a post by Jeff Rouder).
The (almost entirely undocumented) data are available here:
In our lab, we are transitioning to the practice of fully reproducible reports using RStudio and RMarkdown.
We will post links to the public repositories for each paper on this site.
The repositories contain data, code, and materials necessary to reproduce the manuscript (including analyses and figures).
- Stahl, C., Barth, M., & Haider, H. (2015). Distorted estimates of implicit and explicit learning in applications of the process-dissociation procedure to the SRT task. Consciousness & Cognition, 37, 27-43. doi: 10.1016/j.concog.2015.08.003.
Repository for this manuscript (data and supplemental material):
- Stahl, C., Haaf, J., & Corneille, O. (2016). Subliminal evaluative conditioning? Above-chance CS identification may be necessary and insufficient for attitude learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 145, 1107-1131. doi: 10.1037/xge0000191.
Repository for this manuscript:
- Barth, M., Stahl, C., & Haider, H. (submitted). Assumptions of the process-dissociation procedure are violated in sequence learning. Retrieved from doi: 10.17605/
Repository for this manuscript: